6 Tips to prepare for Ramadan


It’s our favorite time of the year! The month of miracles and spiritual cleansing. If you're waiting for the perfect time to have a new start, get rid of a bad habit, lose some weight or make your dreams come true it’s the perfect month for that. It’s the month of RAMADAN Al-Mubarak!

Take a break from the busy life, get yourself together and start a new journey to seek Allah forgiveness and mercy. Ramadan presents us with the ideal opportunity each year to strengthen our faith, distancing ourselves from negativity and distractions. so get ready for the purest month with me.

In order to get ready for the Holy month,it's essential to start at least two weeks in advance. This allows you to carve out time during the month for worship, read Qura’an and meditate. In this blog, I'll share six tips and tricks to help you prepare effectively for Ramadan.

1. Makeup missed fasts:

Before entering the month of Ramadan, it's essential to ensure that any missed fasts are made up. If there are any outstanding fasts, they should be fulfilled as soon as possible, seeking forgiveness from Allah. In cases where fasting is not possible due to illness or pregnancy, it's incumbent upon individuals to feed those in need and subsequently make up the missed fasts when circumstances permit.

Fasting before Ramadan serves as an excellent preparation for the sacred month. Initiating with fasting on Mondays and Thursdays can help gradually acclimate both the body and soul to the upcoming routine, fostering harmony within oneself.

2. Revive the Sunnahs:

Ramadan presents an opportune moment to initiate virtuous deeds and revive Sunnah practices, as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Hence, preceding this sacred month, integrating forgotten Sunnahs into your daily routine can greatly enrich your spiritual journey. For instance, dedicating time to reading the Qur'an with comprehension not only alters your perspectives but also draws you nearer to Allah, augmenting your hasanat before and during Ramadan.

Another method to uphold the Sunnah is by enhancing concentration in prayers. Create a tranquil prayer space adorned with prayer mats and Qur'an, ideally secluded from distractions. This practice proves invaluable in reducing stress and fostering focus during supplication to Allah.

Lastly, it's essential to refrain from criticizing food or table manners and instead express gratitude towards those who laboriously prepare meals. Following the Sunnah, express sincere appreciation to family members for their culinary efforts, consuming their offerings with a smile and gracious words.

3. Save for a charity plan and Zakat al Fitr:

Muslims worldwide are encouraged to exhibit kindness and support for one another, particularly those facing hardship. During Ramadan, the rewards for acts of charity are multiplied manifold. It's paramount to begin planning your charitable efforts for this month, whether through financial contributions, provision of food, clothing, or essential supplies to alleviate the fasting burden on fellow Muslims.

Zakat al-Fitr is a mandatory form of charity incumbent upon every Muslim for breaking the fast. It must be given on behalf of each family member to needy Muslims before Eid prayer marks the end of Ramadan. Hence, it's prudent to allocate funds for Zakat al-Fitr ahead of Ramadan, ensuring its timely disbursement.

4. Clean and decorate your home:

To immerse yourself in the spirit of Ramadan, initiating a thorough cleaning of your home is highly beneficial, beginning with your kitchen and refrigerator. Discard any expired or spoiled food items and embark on a cleansing session for your fridge, considering the inclusion of organizers for enhanced efficiency. Additionally, tidying kitchen cabinets and rearranging cutlery not only fosters a sense of motivation for culinary endeavors but also streamlines meal preparation, easing the fasting period.

Following the cleaning spree, consider embellishing your living space with simple yet meaningful decorations to imbue it with a festive ambiance. Personally, I find the addition of moon, stars and lantern lighting particularly delightful, infusing the onset of the month with a sense of joy and cheerfulness. While entirely optional, such decorations contribute to the overall harmony of your home environment.

5. Plan your meals and groceries:

An essential aspect of Ramadan preparation is meal planning, a practice that proves immensely helpful and practical in reducing stress during fasting. Planning your meals in advance can truly be a game-changer.

Begin by creating a list of meals you intend to cook throughout the month. You need not plan for every single day; twenty days' worth of meals can suffice, allowing room for improvisation on other days. Consider preparing certain recipes in advance and storing them in the freezer, such as pastries and wraps. This not only simplifies meal preparation but also saves a significant amount of time.

Following the meal planning stage, it's time to embark on grocery shopping. Prioritize purchasing non-perishable items before Ramadan begins, alleviating the need for daily trips to the market while fatigued and fasting. Store your essential food items in your kitchen to ensure easy access when needed. This approach streamlines the cooking process and contributes to a smoother fasting experience.

6. Write your dua’a and quit a bad habit:

As the final step in the preparation process, once all practical tasks are completed, it's crucial to ready your soul for Ramadan. Draw closer to Allah by jotting down your hopes and prayers on notes, recognizing that this is a month where miracles can unfold. Prepare a list of intentions and supplications, ensuring to begin with seeking forgiveness, mercy, and Jannah.

Additionally, contemplate relinquishing a detrimental habit during this sacred month. Plan for it meticulously, and reflect on the blessings (barakah) that will grace your life by forsaking this habit to seek Allah's approval. This act of self-discipline and spiritual purification serves as the most profound cleansing for your inner being.

As we anticipate Ramadan, the month of miracles and spiritual renewal, let's prepare both practically and spiritually. Through planning our meals, reviving Sunnah practices, prioritizing charity, and purifying our intentions, we set the stage for a transformative experience. Let's approach Ramadan with gratitude and determination, ready to embrace its blessings and opportunities for growth. Ramadan Mubarak!
